“God never intended for us to simply be the objects of his love. We are also called to be the instruments of that love to others.”
— Paul David Tripp —
Oak City’s Core Investing Beliefs
God is the owner of all assets. He can accomplish his purposes on his own but he graciously allows us to participate as shepherds of his assets and we trust him with the results of our investment decisions.
The world operates best the way that God originally designed it and brokenness in the world is the result of our sin. He will ultimately restore the world to his original design. He gives us glimpses of and lets us participate in that restoration.
Concentrated capital is one of the tools that God uses to bless the world and we shepherd capital toward companies, funds and deals that help restore our neighbors’ broken relationships with God, one another, themselves and systems in the world.
Financial return and redemptive impact should not be mutually exclusive. We believe that institutions can have as much influence through their investments as they do through the spending of the return.