Redemptive Institutional Investing Blog
It Came Upon the Markets Now
Edmund Sears wrote, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” roughly 150 years ago, and it remains a beloved Christmas classic. So, please pardon my take for today
Standing on Big Shoulders
Three giants in the theory and thinking of finance and capital markets have passed away this year. They varied in style and function for sure, but each left an indelible mark on the way that I, along with countless others, view the art and science of investing. Harry Markowitz, Lazlo Birinyi, and Tim Keller – one academic, one practitioner, and one pastor – each was willing to look at finance and markets in a fresh and different way.
The Long and Winding Road
The Beatles 20th (and last) #1 hit, and maybe even the band’s final recording, is the melancholy of “The Long and Winding Road.” It was completed in 1969, and it still causes young and old to sing along.
2023 Oak City Retreat Recap
Another Redemptive Institutional Investing retreat is in the books. We all know that chaos abounds in the world and can often see it first-hand. This year we emphasized different areas of chaos and discussed how investing can be used to bring order.
Won’t Get Fooled Again
Lyrics from my adolescence ring in my head sometimes, as these days remind me more and more of the 1970s (at least what I can remember of them).
Land of Confusion
Back in 1986, a British band named Genesis released a song called “Land of Confusion.” We mostly liked it for the drums and melody, but the lyrics have now (at least to us) become eerily relevant to our world of investing.
2021 Oak City Retreat: Public Equities Roundtable
Jason Mhyre argues that concentrated pools of capital are one of the tools that God uses to bless the world.
2021 Oak City Retreat: Faith Driven Investing with Sovereign’s Capital
Jason Mhyre argues that concentrated pools of capital are one of the tools that God uses to bless the world.
2021 Oak City Retreat: Real Assets
While the question of investing in China has come to the forefront of many conversations today, more than 2.5 years ago the Oak City team began excluding China from our international and emerging markets strategies.
2021 Oak City Retreat: The Power of Investing to Change the World.
Jason Mhyre argues that concentrated pools of capital are one of the tools that God uses to bless the world.
2021 Oak City Retreat: Human Rights and Freedom
While the question of investing in China has come to the forefront of many conversations today, more than 2.5 years ago the Oak City team began excluding China from our international and emerging markets strategies.