An Institutional Investment Process
Asset Allocation
Asset allocation is the most important decision we make and is the way we seek to limit downside risk while meeting ministry spending goals. We work with our clients to determine strategic and tactical allocation decisions that meet the organization’s policy parameters and tilt that allocation based on the current market climates.
Manager Selection
Our structure as an independent firm along with the relationships we have developed allows us access to a wide variety of ethical, transparent managers. While we require all of our managers to avoid investments and industries that are harmful to our neighbors, we work with a number of firms and funds that invest in ways that glorify God and demonstrate his redemptive work in the world.
Transparent Reporting
Because you can’t expect what you don’t inspect, we have invested heavily in tools and platforms that allow us to report broadly and narrowly against a variety of benchmarks. We provide these reports to our clients, their boards and their stakeholders on a regular basis. Meeting with our clients’ boards to discuss performance and goals is one of our greatest joys.
Fiduciary Excellence
In October 2017, Oak City earned a certification with CEFEX, the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence, LLC.
CEFEX is an independent global assessment and certification organization. Its mission is to promote and verify excellence by assessing and certifying conformity to high professional standards of conduct.
Our CEFEX certification means we understand the importance of having a documented investment process, therefore our clients can be confident that their investment strategies are being prudently organized, formalized, implemented and monitored. Additionally, the firm is monitored annually by an independent third party, which effectively helps our clients fulfill their fiduciary obligations.